Unit 2

Digital Animation


In Unit 1 you have learned about the history of animation, storytelling, and pre-production. You have also learned basic animation principles devised by Disney animators in the 1930s, which continue to be used in the creation of believable and memorable animations to this day. In this unit we will move into digital animation. With the evolution of technology and the advent of computers and software, the animation process is now simplified (and even completely generated) in digital form. As we delve into digital animation processes, we will talk about the differences between this new medium and traditional animation. We will also discuss how we can apply the animation principles we saw in Unit 1 in the creation of digital animations using Adobe After Effects. In this unit you will create your own digital animations combining text and music. At the end of the Unit you will have learned to apply the concepts of traditional and digital animation, using After Effects to express emotions and ideas through the combination of animated shapes/text and sound.

Video Screenings

  1. The Creators Project: Humanizing Motion Graphics, by Vice (2012)
  2. Why incompetent people think they’re amazing - // TED-Ed by David Dunning, Wednesday Studio (2017)
  3. Jeu, Georges Schwizgebel (2006)

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