Double Diamond Discover Phase graphic

Discover: Modular design research

This assignment asks you to look at objects not as whole "things," but rather as a sum of parts. It also asks you to consider the user experience of the person involved with building a "thing." To do this, explore and explain some aspects modular design by investigating why products and objects are designed and constructed the way they are. Areas of investigation could include architecture, engineering, product and furniture (industrial) design, and others.

Find images of interesting or inspiring ways of making, attaching, and combining parts. You will create a presentation of your findings to help others understand how modular systems work.


Presentation format template:


You will produce a presentation with the following elements:

  1. Title Page
    1. Modular Design Research
    2. By: YOUR NAME
    3. Date
  2. Definition
    1. What is "modular design"?
  3. What categories of modular design did you find? You can develop your own categories? Please include at least four categories.
    1. Category name (you can invent this if there isn't a good one)
    2. What are the affordances and benefits of this category?
    3. What are the drawbacks and limitations of this system?
    4. What materials could be used or substituted from your resources research? Include images from your resources discovery.

Include between 6 to 20 slides. Pease include images where possible.

Exporting to a PDF format

Tutorials for software applications:


  1. Conduct desktop and field research of modular design. Investigate websites and physical stores that sell parts for modular objects and systems.
  2. Produce the presentation according to the presentation requirements and export it to PDF format.

Post work to the Studio as a PDF

Use the exact indicated file format. You must obtain prior approval to deviate from these upload requirements.

  1. Upload an exported .pdf file of the presentation.

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