Capstone project exhibition statement

Write a 150-500 word project statement that thoughtfully employs relevant and critical art and design language. This statement should be developed with feedback from your instructor to adjust tone, terminology, and structure. You will use MS Word tracked changes to refine and edit the statement over the duration of the project.

The statement's use of language should seek a balance of accurate technical terminology, concise statements about the work, and language that is accessible to a diverse audience and is wholly descriptive. It is easy for artists and designers to adopt opaque language when attempting to describe abstract works. Developing playful language can be a fun exercise, but has the tendency to confuse or shut out those with-out a strong grasp of obscure and creatively constructed language. There are really no rules with how language is used, but ultimately the goal in a work statement is that the artist or designer can clearly communicate their ideas, processes, and outcomes to a wide audience.

Structure of the statement

Please write the statement in essay form using proper grammar, sentence structure, and with complete paragraphs. Do not copy and paste the following list of requirements into your statement. Instead, the statement should flow as a single description of your project. The final draft of this statement will be publicly viewable on the capstone exhibition website. The following points have been provided as a guide:

  1. Include your project title.
  2. In one sentence, explain what the project is. This may include who it's for, or how it works.
    1. Example: "This project is an online game for children that teaches players living in war-torn countries how to avoid landmines."
  3. Describe the design challenge (the provocation, goal, or existing problem you hope to tackle)
    1. Note: The focus of a design project is not to learn or use software, so please do not place emphasis on particular software (IE. "This project was made in Photoshop). Instead, reference the project category (IE - Branding, animated film, etc.)
  4. Describe the process or how you approached solving for the design challenge
  5. Describe the impact the work might have, the context in which it sits, why it's interesting, etc.

Submission details

  1. Did you write the statement in essay form and is it at least 150 words? If so, upload the work statement as an MS Word Document to Canvas by the indicated deadline.
  2. If you are submitting a second or final draft of the statement, please ensure that you've read the feedback located in the tracked changes including recommended changes as well as comments. Please confirm that changes have been either confirmed or rejected in second or final drafts. If you do not know how to use tracked changes, please see this link.

Grading Rubric

This assignment is pass/fail.

Passing: In order to get a passing mark, you will need to show significant progress. Significant progress should demonstrate 10–20 hours of work. The overall project will require 100–130 hours of work.

Failing: A failing mark indicates that you have not achieved confidence from the capstone course instructor that you will be able to complete the capstone project in the current pace of progress. If you have three failing progress reports, you will be asked to withdraw or drop from the capstone course. If you are unable to complete the project to the level indicated in your project proposal, your project will be assessed as incomplete, and you will have to retake the course.

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