Concept pitch

The concept pitch is a presentation document that serves as a both a communication tool and as a means of ensuring that you develop a project with that can be reasonably accomplished in the given timeframe. This project concept pitch should have no less than 10 slides. The basic structure is as follows:

  1. Title slide
    1. Title
    2. Name
    3. Date
    4. Course ("DMD 300: Digital Multimedia Design Studio")
    5. Semester (Example: "Spring 2019")
  2. Bio
    • Here you will list what you know, and what you are interested in. This should be related to the project concept. (IE - if you are skilled and interested in web development, it would be confusing to then propose an animation project.)
    • List existing digital media skills and other relevant skills.
    • List any skills you hope to obtain during this project.
  3. Concept
    • Concise description of the project idea.
    • What’s interesting about it and or what is new/novel?
    • What Digital media is used?
    • What topics need to be researched?
    • Who is the audience for the work?
  4. Production Scope
    • What are the deliverables to be completed or produced? (IE - storyboards, interviews, web application, website, wireframes, animatics, character designs, scripts, game executable, video, etc.)
  5. Production Pipeline
    • What tools will be used?
    • What design processes and methods will be used?
    • Who will be involved (list any collaborators, advisors, etc.)?
    • Will you use management tools to keep on track?
  6. Required Capabilities
    • What capabilities and skills are required to complete the project?
  7. Existing Capabilities
    • Show past work that demonstrates your existing capabilities as related to the project concept.
  8. Needed Capabilities
    • List any items from the Required Capabilities slide that are not in your Existing Capabilities slide.
    • Explain how you will you get up to speed in time.
  9. Timeline
    • List steps in the production timeline.
  10. Research
    • What areas of research do you intend to pursue during the production of this project?
    • What are your research resources?
  11. Questions for your project reviewers
    • List three questions that might help you better some aspect of the project. Avoid vague questions such as, “Is this a good project?” or “What should I do?”. Instead focus your questions on the specific areas of your project that could benefit from feedback.

Submission details:

  1. Export this presentation as a PDF.
  2. Submit the PDF presentation on canvas and your production blog by the deadline.

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