Realtime interactive

Types of Realtime interactive projects

  • Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) games, visualizations, architecture, and journalism.
  • Interactive 2D or 3D fiction or non-fiction story
  • 2D or 3D Serious games
  • Physical game (printed boards, cards, and/or 3D objects)
  • Projected or screen-based interactive installation art
  • Physical computing project

Note about realtime interactive projects: These projects are incredibly engaging and exciting means of communication. Depending on the scope of the project, they can be produced in a few days on a train, or they can sometimes take multiple years by a skilled team in a few short months. It is unusual for an interactive project to be quickly created by only one person, as there are many production requirements that take time to produce. If you would like to create a a project like this, consider assembling a team with complimentary skills, or if working solo, choose a style and assets that afford rapid production. You can outsource pre- or post-production tasks and focus on your core production interest.

Example projects

Production requirements

  1. Concept art
  2. Storyboarding
  3. Script
  4. Mood boards
  5. Sound recording
  6. Scoring
    • GarageBand — Simple MIDI instruments and editing.
    • Premiere Pro — Edit audio right in your video editor or export entire projects to Audition...
    • Adobe Audition — Dedicated audio editor, record and mix (no MIDI instruments)
    • Ableton Live — Great MIDI and recording suite, relatively cheap, great for electronic music.
    • Logic Pro — Record and mix, MIDI instruments (especially ones that sound like traditional strings, brass, etc.)
    • Pro Tools — Industry standard for recording and mixing; expensive.
  1. Asset production
    • Game assets
    • Props or devices
  2. Game or interactive media production

Proof of concept

The goal of a proof is to demonstrate that you can operate the necessary software, create needed assets, and show that you have a strong grasp of relevant production principles.

Produce a basic example of a realtime project in your chosen software production pipeline that demonstrates you are capable of manipulating digital assets and code. This should be an exported runtime application compatible with Mac OS or Windows, or video documentation of a functional device.

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