Concept pitch

The concept pitch is a presentation document that serves as a both a communication tool and as a means of ensuring that you develop a project with that can be reasonably accomplished in the given timeframe. This project concept pitch should have no less than 10 slides. The basic structure is as follows:

  1. Title slide
    1. Title
    2. Name
    3. Date
    4. Course ("DMD 300: Digital Multimedia Design Studio")
    5. Semester (Example: "Spring 2019")
  2. Bio
    • Here you will list what you know, and what you are interested in. This should be related to the project concept. (IE - if you are skilled and interested in web development, it would be confusing to then propose an animation project.)
    • List existing digital media skills and other relevant skills.
    • List any skills you hope to obtain during this project.
  3. Concept
    • Concise description of the project idea.
    • What’s interesting about it and or what is new/novel?
    • What Digital media is used?
    • What topics need to be researched?
    • Who is the audience for the work?
    • Which category
  4. Project Type
    • Specify which of the project categories and types your project falls under.
    • Example: "2D Design, 3D Rendering, and Illustration: Typeface design"
    • If nothing on the list matches your idea exactly, describe it as best you can and still choose the closest category.
  5. Production Scope
    • What are the deliverables to be completed or produced? (IE - storyboards, interviews, web application, website, wireframes, animatics, character designs, scripts, game executable, video, etc.)
  6. Production Pipeline
    • What tools will be used?
    • What design processes and methods will be used?
    • Who will be involved (list any collaborators, advisors, etc.)?
    • Will you use management tools to keep on track?
  7. Required Capabilities
    • What capabilities and skills are required to complete the project?
  8. Existing Capabilities
    • Show past work that demonstrates your existing capabilities as related to the project concept.
  9. Needed Capabilities
    • List any items from the Required Capabilities slide that are not in your Existing Capabilities slide.
    • Explain how you will you get up to speed in time.
  10. Timeline
    • List steps in the production timeline.
    • Like we did in Project One, label the stages of your timeline with design objectives like "discovery" and "iteration" to describe why you're doing each item in the timeline.
  11. Research
    • What areas of research do you intend to pursue during the production of this project?
    • What are your research resources?
  12. Questions for your project reviewers
    • List three questions that might help you better some aspect of the project. Avoid vague questions such as, “Is this a good project?” or “What should I do?”. Instead focus your questions on the specific areas of your project that could benefit from feedback.

Submission details:

  1. Export this presentation as a PDF.
  2. Submit the PDF presentation on canvas and your production blog by the deadline.

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