- Title slide
- Title
- Name
- Date
- Course ("DMD 300: Digital Multimedia Design Studio")
- Semester (Example: "Spring 2019")
- Bio
- Include a bio that describes relevant interests, skills, and capabilities.
- Work Statement
- A final draft of work statement language developed during Project 2.
- Design process overview
- Timeline of events
- List methods used with brief descriptions
- Anticipated outcomes of each step and how they contributed to the project's development.
- Outcomes
- Analyze and deconstruct central issues using form and context analysis.
- Identify forces that impact form
- Are there any ethical considerations?
- Include figures and diagrams of conceptual relationships
- Describe media used in digital production. For example, print, web, info-graphics, game/interactive, animation, video/film, audio/sound, physical installation, etc.
- Images
- Include 4–8 images that show key features of your work with short descriptions of each image.
- Bibliography
- PDF document in US Letter size.
- Please see documentation resources for guidance.
- Proofread and spellcheck
Submission details:
- Upload the PDF document to the canvas assignment by the deadline.
- Upload PDF to production blog by the deadline.