Designs of Darkness

Designs of Darkness (p. 55-61) in Design and Truth by Robert Grudin


In this chapter, Grudin makes a distinction between painting styles of Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill as well as the social design ideologies of Martin Heidegger and Sen no Rikyu.

Can you identify contemporary people that may have similar contrasting design sensibilities? Their differences don't have to be political; artists and designers can have different sensibilities regarding cultural values, aesthetic taste, scale, technology, or other aspects of their work.

Compare two or more creators with divergent sensibilities on opposite extremes. Support your claims with vivid descriptions and cited facts.

Writing guidelines

  1. Length: (150-300 words)
  2. Reference the chapter content whenever possible
  3. Cite sources where applicable.
  4. Check for spelling and grammar.
  5. Avoid generalizing language. Choose clear and concise wording.

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