The Lady in the Picture: Design and Revelation in Renaissance Art

The Lady in the Picture: Design and Revelation in Renaissance Art (p. 88-104) in Design and Truth by Robert Grudin

Writing prompt

In this chapter, Grudin gives us a glimpse into specific moments of knowledge design during the Renaissance through examining paintings, architecture, writing, and opera. I encourage you to look up the works referenced in the passages as you read to visualize them.

What distinctive characteristics does Grudin highlight to support his argument that these works are examples of knowledge design? With those examples in mind, can you relate them to specific pieces of contemporary creative work that succeed or fail to embed knowledge? Describe specific visual details and how they relate to the work's function in society or the creator's perspective.

Writing guidelines

  1. Length: (150-300 words)
  2. Reference the chapter content whenever possible
  3. Cite sources where applicable.
  4. Check for spelling and grammar.
  5. Avoid generalizing language. Choose clear and concise wording.

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